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PokerTracker 4.11.9

PokerTracker 4.11.9

PokerTracker 4.11.9 | 61.03 Mb  

Poker Tracker 4 - program for the collection and analysis of poker information, and the results will be output to your game table. PokerTracker 4, one of the most important tools online poker player, helping him to become a successful player. The program imports in its database the history of the games that poker sites write to your PC, then You can analyze the drawings of hands, and gathered statistics/information on hand, to find mistakes in your game and the game to their opponents

The supported games

• Hold'em
• Omaha Hi
• Omaha Hi/Lo
Treatment procedure:

To reset trial use program TrashReg, to do this:
1. Unzip the file trashreg392rus.zip from folder Crack in a folder
2. Start TrashReg.exe. If you zapoceti through TrashRegX64.cmd, switch to 32-bit mode.
3. Find in the list the keys with a description WinLicence 1.x.
4. Delete them by using the Del button, by right-clicking the mouse or via the edit menu. For the insurance can pre save the contents of the keys by pressing F2 or via the File menu.

To get rid of the red inscription "Trial " please register":
1. Copy the files NoTrialHUD.exe and NoTrialHUD.ini in the folder with the installed program.
2. Create a shortcut to the file NoTrialHUD.exe your desktop.
3. Run the program via this shortcut.
Note: the File NoTrialHUD.ini indicates the address label placement in memory, so when you upgrade the address is usually necessary to change.

The contents of the file for version 4.11.9:



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